Sprague Gas Boosters (ID=209)

Sprague gas boosters intensify pre-charge pressures adding efficiency to applications where system or bottle pressures are limited.  The boosters reach set pressure quickly and are easily controlled through air regulation.

Sprague's air -driven gas boosters use the same principles of operations as our hydraulic pumps.  The boosters employ a large area air piston, driven with low pressure compressed air or gas, that is mechanically coupled to a small area compressed piston.  The compression piston converts precharge gas to higher pressure, lower volume discharge gas.  The discharge gas pressure developed by the compression piston is determined by the piston ratios, the regulated air-drive pressure and the availible pre-charge pressure.

The function of the pre-charge pressure is to charge the high pressure cylinder inside the booster with gas, which reduces the time required to increase (boost) the discharge pressure.  The discharge gas pressure can be accurately adjusted to any pressure level between the pre-charge pressure and the maximum discharge pressure by adjusting the air-drive regulator.

The Sprague boosters reach the desired pressure quickly, without heat build-up and will hold the pressure indefinitely with minimal energy consumption.  When a pressure imbalence occurs, the booster will automatically restart to restore the discharge pressure to the regulated setting.

For technical support on Sprague products, please contact: pumpsales@highpressure.com


Location of United States: US: LooKup no Session price: priceUSArray ( [userLocation] => US [userRegion] => North America )